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Poisonous pitohuis as pets
Full citation
Nijman V., Abdullah A., Ardiansyah A., et al. 2024. Poisonous pitohuis as pets. Bird Conservation International 34:e39. doi:10.1017/S0959270924000297
Previous Publications
Policies, law enforcement and sustainable use of nautilus shells in Indonesia and the effect of the 2017 CITES Appendix II listing on their trade
Poisonous pitohuis as pets
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Trade in Native Birds At Chatuchak Weekend Market, Bangkok, Thailand
A newly emerging trade in New Guinea’s butcherbirds (Cracticinae) in Indonesia
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Global commercialisation, under-reported trade, and the need for increased international regulation of a non-CITES listed songbird.
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Bear trade in Poland: an analysis of legal and illegal international trade from 2000 to 2021
Bears in the Russian Far East illegally exploited for meat, medicine and trophies
A rapid assessment of the illegal otter trade in Vietnam
Illegal trade of pangolins in India with international trade links: an analysis of seizures from 1991 to 2022
Recent seizures of hornbills trafficked to India
An analysis of Canada’s declared live wildlife imports and implications for zoonotic disease risk
Insights into the primate trade into the European Union and the United Kingdom
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Evidence of illegal trade of the Critically Endangered Black Crested Macaque Macaca nigra from Indonesia to the Philippines.
Trade in Southeast Asian Box Turtles from Indonesia: Legality, Livelihoods, Sustainability and Overexploitation
Wildlife conservation in Myanmar: trade in wild sheep and goats for meat, medicine, and trophies, with links to China, India, and Thailand.
The illegal trade of the Sumatran serow Capricornis sumatraensis sumatraensis for traditional medicine in Indonesia
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Demand for wildlife not listed in the CITES multilateral treaty
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Hornbills in Zoos in Thailand: Species, Numbers, and their Welfare
The trade of Saiga Antelope horn for traditional medicine in Thailand
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India’s use of CITES Appendix III
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The illegal hunting and exploitation of porcupines for meat and medicine in Indonesia
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Seizure analysis of Tokay Gecko in the Philippines
Using intelligence to tackle the criminal elements of the illegal trade in Indian Star Tortoises Geochelone elegans in Asia
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Observations of illegal wildlife trade in Boten, a Chinese border town within a Specific Economic Zone in northern Lao PDR
Trade in bears in Lao PDR with observations from market surveys and seizure data
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Tackling Asia’s illegal trade in songbirds
Trade in White-rumped Shamas Kittacincla malabarica demands strong national and international responses
Trade and conservation efforts involving the Sumatran Laughingthrush Garrulax bicolor in Indonesia
Protection from exploitation needed for the endemic Sulawesi Bear Cuscus Ailurops ursinus in Indonesia
Observations of trade in Spotted Crocias Laniellus albonotatus in Java, Indonesia
A case for listing the Union Island Gecko Gonatodes daudini in the Appendices of CITES
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Stronger International Regulations and Increased Enforcement Effort is needed to end the Illegal Trade in Otters in Asia
A rapid assessment of the trade in Saiga Antelope horn in Peninsular Malaysia
The presence of protected reptiles from Sri Lanka in international commercial trade
Evaluating the feasibility of pangolin farming and its potential conservation impact
The role of Germany in the illegal global Pangolin Trade
Bearly on the radar – an analysis of seizures of bears in Indonesia
Revealing the online trade of Sun Bears in Indonesia
Common Sun Skink Eutropis multifasciata (Kuhl 1820) sold for Traditional Medicine in Indonesia and potential conservation implications
Illegal trade of sun bear parts in the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak
Indonesia’s new protected species list a step back for marine mollusc conservation
Characterising Indonesia’s wild bird trade network from media-reported seizure incidents
The trading in the Orange-spotted Bulbul Pycnonotus bimaculatus and Aceh Bulbul P. snouckaerti in Indonesia
Note on the availability of Philippine Forest Turtle Siebenrockiella leytensis in online reptile markets
The role of the Netherlands in the reptile trade

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