by Monitor | May 18, 2021 | Press Releases
Monitor Songbird Lab to address illegal and unsustainable songbird trade Coordination and collaboration are key to conservation success. To address the illegal and unsustainable songbird trade, Monitor and the Silent Forest Group have together created the Monitor...
by Monitor | Apr 27, 2021 | Press Releases
Shedding Light on the Trade in Nocturnal Galagos © Elena Bersacola The trade in primates is driven by the demand for biomedical research, trophies and pets, bushmeat consumption and traditional medicine. Primates all over the world are used for these purposes, from...
by Monitor | Apr 14, 2021 | Press Releases
Illegal hunting and exploitation of porcupines for meat and medicine in Indonesia Porcupines are frequently found in trade across Asia, and Indonesia, home to five species, is no exception. Porcupines are targeted for their meat as an alternative source of protein,...
by Monitor | Feb 22, 2021 | Press Releases
Exploitation of Javan Leopards and Sunda Clouded Leopards in Indonesia A study of records of seizures and prosecutions involving Javan Leopards and Sunda Clouded Leopards in Indonesia between 2011 and 2019 reveals the prevalence of extensive poaching, illegal domestic...
by Monitor | Dec 30, 2020 | Press Releases
US imports more than a million live reptiles from Indonesia between 2000-2015 A new study by Monitor highlights the trade in reptiles between Indonesia and the United States (US) from 2000 to 2015, gaining insight into the import-export relationship between these...
by Monitor | Dec 16, 2020 | Press Releases
Underestimating the illegal wildlife trade: A ton or a tonne of pangolins? Analysing seizure data is crucial in understanding the scale of the global wildlife trade. But when the assumption that the difference between ton and tonne is merely an issue of spelling, and...